Dr. Sonja Hassold

Dr.  Sonja Hassold

Dr. Sonja Hassold

Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zurich

Winterthurerstrasse 247

8057 Zürich


Additional information

Research area




Professional Experience

2020-present RINGANA Partner, advising interested parties for sustainable consumption of fresh and fair produced care products and supplements (more here)

2020-present Teaching systematic botany at ETH Zurich D-ARCH for the new Master in Landscape architecture

2018-present Teaching systematic botany at ETH Zurich D-USYS (751-4107-00L Production of Crops and Forage, including Aspects of Herbology and Plant Taxonomy)

2015-present Teaching systematic botany in Switzerland, leading excursions, Co-Founder of Botanik Exkursionen (www.botanikexkursionen.ch)

2015-2017 Postdoc at the Plant Ecological Genetics Lab, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2010 Teaching exercise courses in systematic Botany at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2009-present Teaching systematic botany for adults, leading and organising botanical excursions for Botanikexkursionen.ch

2006-2009 Teaching assistant for botanical excursions at ETH Zurich, Switzerland



2011-2015 Ph.D in Plant Ecological Genetics, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2007-2009 MSc in Biology with Major in Ecology and Evolution, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2004-2007 BSc in Biology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2003-2004 Studies of Biochemistry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Course Catalogue



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